Friday, May 11, 2012

Master Musicians of Joujouka 2012 Festival

Frank Rynne, the manager for the Master Musicians of Joujouka wrote me to help out with crediting photos I used, and reminded me their annual festival is coming up soon, June 8-10th, less than a month away.

The ideology behind the festival  is to allow a very small group of people the opportunity to hang out and live in the village for a few days with the Master Musicians as their hosts.

More about the festival and how to make a reservation for it here

The photo of Boujeloud I used was from the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival held in 2008.  Here's a great article on that event.

Frank also sent me a great slideshow of Jajouka and Brion Gysin related images:

Appropriately enough, Frank was the front man for a band called The Baby Snakes.  Out of the fire and into the frying PAN to bowdlerize a cliche.

I highly recommend attending this years festival for anyone who can swing it.  You are guaranteed a unique experience.  There is magic in the air in Joujouka, but don't take my word for it!


  1. no to stir anything up but:
    Frank Rynne is the manager of a splinter group called Joujouka. made up of other musicians from the village playing similar music.
    Cherie Nutting whom you must have met manages the group that you recorded for Apocalypse across the sky. Led by Bachir Attar

  2. Thanks for clarifying, Daevs. That explains the difference in spelling Jajouka. Judging from my email correspondence with Frank, I don't think it's as big of a deal as it may have been at one time - he helped me credit Cherie for a photo I used. I still consider Bachir and Cherie dear friends though I haven't seen them for many years.

  3. Hi Oz....Glad we met up again with Bill Laswell in Jajouka and Volubilus 2013-14. Now you might be clearer about Frank Rynne and his village mission. Cherie for Bachir
